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Questa parola chiave raccoglie 3 articoli

Rare Coil

Che senso può avere fare dell’archeologia musicale e andare a recuperare interviste fatte venticinque anni fa? La risposta non è immediata, però può essere anche semplificata con una breve frase: “perché ne vale la pena”. Nella fattispecie, vorrei presentarvi un’intervista che feci a John Balance dei Coil dopo che uscì il loro primo LP Scatology […]

The Peter Murphy fanzine (II)

READ THE FANZINE In 1992, with the blessing of Peter Murphy, I was asked to manage the official Peter Murphy information club… naturally, I accepted. The heart of the information club was the Peter Murphy fanzine, which was principally an opportunity for fans to share their views and interpretations of the Peter Murphy musical environment, […]

The Peter Murphy fanzine (I)

READ THE FANZINE In 1992, with the blessing of Peter Murphy, I was asked to manage the official Peter Murphy information club… naturally, I accepted. The heart of the information club was the Peter Murphy fanzine, which was principally an opportunity for fans to share their views and interpretations of the Peter Murphy musical environment, […]