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Fasti Poiesis

the gesture of harta performing

In the sense of poietics, the poet prepares, convocates, orders a sacrifice,
works poetic art.
In poietics, the word is not disembodied, it has not yet been taken from
the body.
The word acts in the poet, who exhibits his own things totally, through the
anguish of his own existence and the process of non-theatrical dramatization.
The poet in the first place uses the means, purer, more repugnant
and refined, that he possesses: the muscle body, the nerve body.
In the performance, or poetic act, the body is loosened from all functionality,
has no tasks to bring to term, stops making itself useful.
Hands grasp emptiness, dose over objects full of poetic intimacy.
Legs are fractured to accelerate the race inside being. Lips do not open,
the word dies feebly, certain of its silence.
The skinless poet in his turn skins the word. Breaking the word, the poet
investigates the chastity and enchantment of the trembling body.
Working thus, he divides the word from itself, he cuts its mouth.
The poet plays life, surrounding the resonant body with a silence that sinks
the word.
Each word hides an abyss, lives its song in the burnings of the poet body.
This totality of language distances the performer from himself, suspends
him in the utopia of communion.
The soul of the poet-performer is a ball made of water, an identical, non
reading hole with a humid entrance.
His house is recovered with wind. Enlarging , it will have five stains on a
lightless altar and a faceless theater of stone.


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Testi: Michel Leiris
Forografia: Bruno Zanzottera
Musiche: Riccardo Sinigaglia
Riprese video: Danilo Porcellini | Corrado Fontana
Montaggio: Danilo Porcellini | Nicola Frangione
Neon-art: Ruggero Maggi

Ringraziamo Nicola Frangione per la gentile concessione


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